Unicorns Kick Ass 2:24
32kbps stream
contains 2 samples from the Trey Parker film "Orgazmo" ©1998 Rogue Pictures

(untitled) 1:27
32kbps stream
contains a sample from "Girlfriend" by Matthew Sweet ©1991 BMG

(demo mix) 1:05
kbps stream (mp3.com)

Progressive Scan (line dubbler mix) 1:30
32 kbps stream
contains 2 samples from the Federal Civil Defense film "Duck and Cover" (1951;
public domain)
Tony Knows The Bomb 0:30
32 kbps stream
contains 3 samples from the Federal Civil Defense film "Duck and Cover" (1951;
public domain)
contains a sample from the Chevrolet / Jam Handy film "Behind The
Lens" (1940;
public domain)
We Must Obey 0:08
32 kbps stream
contains a sample from the Federal Civil Defense film "Duck and Cover" (1951;
public domain)
Tony Knows Eiffel 65 0:40
32 kbps stream
contains a sample from "Move Your Body" by Eiffel 65 ©1999
Universal Records
contains a sample from the Federal Civil Defense film "Duck and Cover" (1951;
public domain)